114 South Main Street Harrisonburg, VA 22801


About Us

Rockingham Union Lodge No. 27 meets for its Stated Meeting on the 1st Monday of each month at 7:30PM. History of Rockingham Union No. 27. RU27 was chartered on October 27, 1789. Rockingham County had been in existence for eleven years and the city of Harrisonburg was nine years old.Our Lodge met during its early years in the home of Brother William Cravens, but the location of his home has been lost in history. It appears that it was in Rockingham County, a short distance from the city. On July 14, 1796, the Lodge held its first meeting in a newly constructed, two-story log structure, located on the southwest side of East Market Street, just beyond Federal Alley. Our second temple was located at the corner of South Main and West Water Street with the cornerstone being laid on July 4, 1860, by representatives of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. On September 5, 1905, the Grand Lodge of Virginia laid the cornerstone of our present temple and the building was occupied in December 1906.


List of our meetings and events.


Lodge Master and Officers

Our Lodge's History

A photo and video timeline.

Events & Meetings

Calendar of events and meetings.


Masons at work in the community.

Lodge Reviews

"The lodge at Rockingham Union No. 27 A.F & A.M. is beautiful and the history of this lodge is mesmerizing. If you are traveling through Harrisonburg we invite you to come and visit."
Senior D
“Fantastic organization"
Matthew Bentel
“5 Stars”
Robbie Dabney


Fraternity News & Updates

September Events https://ru27.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Sep-4-Pizza-Flyer.jpg

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