Hello Brethren,
First, again I would like to thank all of you who took offices for me this year. We have a great lineup and I know the lodge will be the better for it. The reception afterward was wonderful and I received numerous compliments on the event as well as voicing support for our new officers. Now, on to the news – this month brings several exciting events.
We will receive our District Deputy Grand Master for District 6, Right Worshipful Brian Richard Bosley on his official visit to our lodge. We will have a special meal beforehand at 6:15pm to celebrate, served by our Eastern Star sisters and brothers. I hope as many of you as possible will attend this and make it special for him. We are his first reception in District 6.
We will also have a presentation from a Red Cross Account Manager, Gunner Cook. The presentation will be before the Stated Communication, at 7:20pm.
Our lodge is growing quickly, we currently have 5 Entered Apprentices, 2 of which are being passed to Fellowcraft on the 8th of February. We have one petition that was read last month, and we are expecting another 2-3 petitions this month! These are all younger men, and they are very excited about our fraternity and want to be part of our lodge and help us with our charitable work. Look for them at the meal, and welcome them warmly. We will be very busy this year keeping up with the work necessary to make them Master Masons.
On March 15, we will have our District Leadership Conference in Waynesboro, form 8am-12pm. I am asking all the line officers to attend. Last year we were the only lodge with all our line officers there, and it would be fantastic to do it two years in a row. It is an important function, and the DLC is also a great place to meet your counterparts and Grand Lodge Officers as well as getting informed on the plans of the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge for this year.
Thank you,
Worshipful Martin Eagleson